The Faerytale Apothecary
Stories as Medicine*
The Faerytale Apothecary

The Faerytale Apothecary is brand spanking shiny new. Although it has been gestating for quite a few years, it's official birth date was 4th May 2019 New Moon. Slowly it finds it's feet in the corporate world. The intention is for all materials used to be, as much as possible, recycled, reusable, in harmony with the environment and it's inhabitants. To work with companies whose ethics align. To investigate further the ideas of carbon offsetting and giving back to the land. This may not always be possible or practical but like anything, we can only do our best with as much integrity and honesty as we can muster and find the time for.
When creating the website I liked the idea of using as many terms as I could that linked in with old fashioned chemists, of carrying on the theme of story as medicine, of how tales can heal us, the terms seemed so unusual to use that I felt they helped us to step into this unfamiliar world a little easier. I hope you enjoy the sounds of them as much as I have finding them.
The Faerytale Apothecary has been awarded The Planet Mark Sustainability Certificate.
*Photograph by Elizabeth Blackburn