I am humbled to co-create once again with my dear friend Leah Barnes.
After we finished the Tea Transmission, I sat silently with jewelled tears nestling in my eyes. Not because there was anything wrong or upsetting but because of how cracked open to Beauty I felt from listening to her speak True Words.
What is especially astounding, it feels to me, is that Leah and I have known each other for about 7 years (I think) and have only ever met in person once, earlier this year in Camden. There were tears in my eyes then too. It reminds me that in amongst all the crazy, unsettling, overwhelming noise of an online life, there are pockets of deep connection, sovereignty, positive impact, inspiration and genuine connection. I think perhaps we just need to get still enough to be cracked open by it.
We invite you to pause, rest, be, and listen along with us to the Hummingbird Moon Tea’s still voice amongst the chaos…
Leah describes herself as a curator of wearable art. Which is another way of saying much of the jewellery, clothing, bags or shoes she’s fallen in love with and bought over the years were all made by individual artisans or small businesses who bring a vision to life with their own hands. As the world speeds up and homogenises, buying things made solely by human hands feels like an important act of resistance.
As a delightful bonus, Leah also served us up a Pot of Nectar on the side, to accompany our tea…
If you would like to sponsor a tea ingredient gathering, thank you, you can do so here
With love Elizabeth Jane of the Faerytale Apothecary
Image by Steve Art from Pixabay