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Writer's picture The Faerytale Apothecary

A Wild Heart Sipping a Cup of Resting Tea


To celebrate my successful completion of Yoga Nidra Level One, Level Two, Scriptwriting and Further Studies Training - this Moon Cycle’s Wild Heart Tea is a very specially created Yoga Nidra.

Yoga Nidra is a form of Deep Rest where nothing is asked of you.

A practice of relaxing our state of awareness and entering into a dream-like comfortability.

When listening to the recording, please make sure you can be somewhere that you will not be disturbed, and that all devices are on airplane mode with no vibrate, or turned off completely.

Create yourself a luxurious and cosy nest - this can be on a bed, in a chair, on the floor, outside in the grass - whatever place will work best for you to feel comfortable and secure.

You may want a favourite blanket to cover yourself with, a soft pillow for your head and under your knees.

Experiment with what will help you feel as relaxed and comfortable as possible.

Likewise, wear whatever will help in this regard too.

There will be a series of invitations but everything is open to what feels alive for you in each moment.

It is okay if your attention wanders away from my voice, let it land for you as feels right for you.

If thoughts come up that feel disruptive, gently guide yourself back into an awareness of my words.

There is no way to get Deep Rest wrong!

Each experience is uniquely for you.

The recording will be about 33 minutes long and there will be moments of silence to give you a sense of spaciousness and unhurried time together, know I am still with you.

If you need to move your body because you are in discomfort, please do so.

If anything said in the Nidra feels uncomfortable for you, you can stop at any time.

All you have to do, is return to the sensation of your breath, wiggle your fingers and toes and feel the ground beneath you as you open your eyes.

Drop in and out as feels good for you to do so.

If you fall asleep, don’t worry at all.

This is your practice to engage with as you wish, and perhaps sleep is exactly the rest you need right now.

The Resting Tea invites you to create an intention to help support you for this coming moon cycle.

Start to have a think about what you might wish this intention to be, but hold it loosely, don't let it be too rigid.

Walk with it and see what simple sentence or word comes back to you time and again.

The New Moon is in the astrological sign of Cancer, which manifests itself with feelings of safety related to the home and family. It offers the opportunity to forgive and forget, to let go of overthinking, to distance ourselves without feelings of bitterness.

The invitation is to use these manifestations as a potential container for your intention.

The Resting tea will take us on a little journey with our breath, around our body, out into space, and home to ourselves. Everything with Deep Rest is an invitation and there is never any enforced way of engaging with the Practice.

Have a journal and pen ready for if you wish to take any notes afterwards. Also, have a favourite mug with your favourite tea ready for straight afterwards too.

Get yourself comfortable, press play, and we will begin.

The Faerytale Apothecary's Wild Hearts Sipping Cups of Tea is an experimental affair seeking to follow the Medicine Trails left by Words from Specially Chosen Stories. The recordings will often times be messy unedited affairs that aim to include all the languages from all the peoples (regardless of species or corporeality) into the conversations. There will be no written transcripts, simply an offer to sit a while, listen and see where you might be taken, prompted, curiosly led to. Other humans will be invited to gather our good weather gear for the trip from time to time. Our starting point may sometimes shift in location but home will always be with That Which Dwells Beyond The Gap In The Old Stone Wall - the creative space for my ongoing Doctoral Research. Individual Words will be our doors to inner (and perhaps sometimes outer) landscapes. There will be Spontaneous Stories making Guest Appearances. We will explore what it may mean to be Touched by a Story. We will welcome Ordinary Story Speakings. We will Gather Glitterings in our Baskets as we make our way. All served up about once during a month with a drop of tea crafted by a Wild Heart or two. Would you like to lay down a Medicine Trail with us? Please do get in touch if something is rumbling in you, bursting to be let out.

  • Image by Daniel R. Solfeggio Frequency 639Hz for the Heart Centre by Siddharath. Both available via Pixabay

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