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Writer's picture The Faerytale Apothecary

Wild Hearts Sipping Cups of Curiosity Tea

The Curiosity Tea came about during a little jaunt to Primadonna festival with my good friend K. It was extraordinarily fun, inspiring, improvisational, nurtuing and supportive. Attending Polly Crosby's historical fiction writing workshop and turning my eye to the tressle table of objects, the Curiosity Tea Story poured through me. It invites you to sit with it, play with it, take a wander with it. The words I speak are simply the beginning place. It dares you to travel further with it. If you do, let us know. And if you share publicly please give it's lineage acknowledgement. Or perhaps it will stay as a silent whisper, compelling new adventures only to be witnessed by you...

The Faerytale Apothecary's Wild Hearts Sipping Cups of Tea is an experimental affair seeking to follow the Medicine Trails left by Words from Specially Appearing Stories. The recordings will often times be messy unedited affairs that aim to include all the languages from all the peoples (regardless of species or corporeality) into the conversations. There will be no written transcripts, simply an offer to sit a while, listen and see where you might be taken, prompted, curiosly led to. Other humans will be invited to gather our good weather gear for the trip from time to time. Our starting point may sometimes shift in location but home will always be with That Which Dwells Beyond The Gap In The Old Stone Wall - the creative space for my ongoing Doctoral Research. Research which will no doubt pop in on occasion too. Individual Words will be our doors to inner (and perhaps sometimes outer) landscapes. There will be Spontaneous Stories making Guest Appearances. We will explore what it may mean to be Touched by a Story. We will welcome Ordinary Story Speakings. We will Gather Glitterings in our Baskets as we make our way. All served up about once during a month with a drop of tea crafted by a Wild Heart or two. To listen to the gathering, simply press play...

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